
Customizing some Potato Software Programs

It feels good....
You are going to have your own programs, compiled with your own hands on your own machine,
with a few ideas from you.
It is defintively going to bear your colors, and it is just as good as building your home or growing your own carrots.
This area of the site exposes self-imposed restrictions, tools required, a few tricks, ...and what I did myself.
Everything here is free /no credit asked/,
and I just hope RProcess will include some of my ideas in the next releases:
    I would just discard the corresponding pages.
It might be dangerous....
Growing your own carrots is fine,
but sometimes you put much more chemicals than the farmer would, and you just end at the hospital or worse.
Be careful if you modify JBN, as you might jeopardize your anonymity.
Be even more careful if you modify Reliable, as you might jeopardize the anonymity of many.
As a policy, I will not distribute modified executables of JBN or Reliable, nor whole modified sources.
The sources and executables of JBN / Reliable available on my site are the original versions.
For the same reasons, I will limit myself to "cosmetic" improvements, which do not reach the core of the programs.
I will provide snippets of code in the before / after form, with precise location.
(Of course, in case of complete "Add-on" programs, I would provide both source and executable.
Anyways, this is what I do for myself because:
(let us face it) RProcess is more dedicated to this and productive than we will ever be.
I will not miss a stable upgrade to JBN / Reliable for the sake of preserving my little innovations.
I would apply them on the next version of the source ... unless RProcess already integrated it.
How those following pages are organized
On each suggested modification, you will find:
    A description of the motives of the modification.
    A discussion of potential hazards.
    A triple listing: where to modify / code before / code after.
    Possibly a discussion on the code.
    Possibly add-on programs.
And Now what I did...
Status Dom Nick Description
GEN Starter Let us check the tools we have on hand.
And recompile original source without any modification.
GEN One version, on top Avoid invoking a second version of the program
Put previous invokation on top.
JBN Magic Button Invoke your favorite mail reader from within JBN.
Have the hyperlinks active, the attachements....
REL Duplicate Postings workaround
Having Reliable generate a Message_ID for outgoing mail.
REL Graphical Stats
Capture information from Reliable
Get a (graphical) Load analysis of you remailer
REL Customize Stats Page
Makes your Reliable-generated stats page look different
(BGColor, BGImage...)
REL Quick Acces to Stats
Access your stats from within Reliable.
REL Quick Acces to Goodies Access your favorite programs from within Reliable

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